(This post is part of a series about creating the MENs story. You can begin at the Introduction.)
Let’s take a look at a few pre-story exercises.
Each of these is important to have ready before we begin to craft stories.
The Attractive Character
Russell Brunson coined the term Attractive Character in DotCom Secrets. As an entrepreneur, it is a role that you can take on as the ‘face’ of your business.
You have more experience than your dream customers. They will naturally look to you for guidance and mentoring. For example, you could be a ‘leader’—someone who has achieved the same success your dream customers desire. Select an identity that’s a natural fit for you. Read more about the Attractive Character in DotCom Secrets
For MENs
The founder is a ‘leader’—35-year-old man named Philip, married, and is excellent at networking. He is the face of MENs.
The Modus Ponens Statement
To convince your dream customers that your offers are right for them, you need to get them to believe in something. What is the belief that they need?
Modus ponens is a logic statement—if A, then B; A; therefore, B. If you can affirm A in someone’s mind, then B is automatically affirmed.
Said another way—you need to get your dream customers to believe that your offer is the key to their desired success, and this success is only obtainable through you. Therefore, they must purchase your offer.
A modis ponens statement helps clarify what you, as the Attractive Character, need to get your dream customers to believe for any offer or business. Read more about modus ponens in Expert Secrets.
For MENs
The modus ponens that Philip developed—“If I can make men who don’t know how to get healthy believe that my mentor, educate, and nourish method is the key to better health and wellness and is only attainable through the MENs FW, then all other objections and concerns become irrelevant, and they have to give me money.”
The Dream Customer
If you have ever created a customer persona, this is very similar. Who is the person that desperately needs your product or offer? What is their name, what do they do?
Your story will be about one of these dream customers, how they met their Attractive Character (you), and achieved success from your guidance. Read more about your dream customers in Traffic Secrets.
For MENs
Steve is a 36-year-old financial analyst who lacks proper health and wellness in their life and doesn’t know how to get it.
The Offer
You are selling something, right? What is it, and what does it do to help your dream customer achieve success? This is your unique offer in your modus ponens statement.
Offers should provide the tools to achieve the success you are promising and also contain aspects that help your dream customer if they have any doubts about you, themselves, or the financial, business, or personal environment they are currently in. Read more about creating great offers in Expert Secrets.
For MENs
The MENs offer is a subscription service that connects members to mentors to help mentor, educate, and nourish. Members have access to a growing member-created library of knowledge, weekly topic-specific live sessions, and an apprentice program for experienced members to give back to those who are new and need help as they once did.
Now that Philip, as the founder and Attractive Character of MENs has these exercises complete, he can create a story about Steve, one of his members who has achieved success and personal growth through MENs.
Philip knows who his dream customers are, what he needs them to believe, and what his offer should be.
Remember, this post is part of a series:
- Introduction – an overview of the process
- Pre-story – a few exercises before you create a story (this post)
- Story outline – let’s look at an aspect of the FCL Story Outline Framework
- Write – let’s understand how to write an FCL story
- Final story – one of the story lengths the FCL Framework helps produce
- Headlines – let’s write some headlines for ads, sales pages, email campaigns, etc.
- Story summary – let’s distill the story down to its essence
Each post will link to the rest, so it will be easy to see the entire process.
Remember, the FCL Framework helps create very specific types of stories—that will make your dream customers see you as their guide and your offers as their path to success.
Ready for the Fire Came Later Framework?
The FCL Framework is the best method for structuring and writing stories that create belief—belief in you as the guide and your offers as the path to their success.